create common database helper with all database query
/* dbug data*/
function dbug($data = ''){
echo '';
This Function will Save and Update data.
@params : $id -> get id
$data -> array of data
$table -> table name
$tableId -> table field name
function saveData($id ='', $data, $table, $tableId)
$CI =& get_instance();
if($id == "")
$insert_id = $CI->db->insert_id();
if(check_db_column($table,'sort_order')){ //if sort_order field
return $insert_id;
This function will check column exist in database
or not? if column exist then return true otherwise
return false.
@params : $table_name -> name of the table
$column_name -> Column name you want to
check in table.
@return : TRUE OR FALSE
function check_db_column($table_name,$column_name)
$CI = & get_instance();
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
TABLE_SCHEMA = '".$CI->db->database."'
AND TABLE_NAME = '".$table_name."'
AND COLUMN_NAME = '".$column_name."'";
$rows = $CI->db->query($sql)->num_rows();
if($rows > 0)
return true;
return false;
This Function will Delete data.
@params : $id -> get id
$del_in -> 1 or 0 value change in db for delete purpose
$table -> table name
$tableId -> table field name
function deleteData($id, $del_in, $table, $tableId)
$CI =& get_instance();
$update['del_in'] = $del_in;
This Function will Edit form data.
@params : $id -> get id
$table -> table name
$tableId -> table field name
function formData($id, $table, $tableId)
$CI =& get_instance();
$CI->db->where($tableId, $id);
return $CI->db->get($table)->row_array();
This Function will return for find minimum ordering data.
@params : $start_id -> start row id
$end_id -> end row id
$table -> table name
$tableId -> table field name
function minOrderId($start_id, $end_id, $table, $tableId)
$CI =& get_instance();
$sql = 'SELECT min(`display_order`) as display_order
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE '.$tableId.' BETWEEN '.$start_id .' AND '.$end_id;
return $CI->db->query($sql);
This Function will return for update ordering data.
@params : $recordId -> field row id
$order -> order id
$table -> table name
$tableId -> table field name
function updateDisplayOrder($recordId, $order, $table, $tableId)
$CI =& get_instance();
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.'
SET `display_order`='.$order.'
WHERE `del_in`=0 AND '.$tableId.' = '.$recordId;
return $CI->db->query($sql);
This Function will return for check field data.
@params : $whereData -> condition field name
$dbTable -> table name
function checkField($whereData, $dbTable)
$CI =& get_instance();
return $CI->db->get($dbTable);
This Function will return for config value.
@params : $keyWord -> config keyword
$dbTable -> table name
function getConfig($keyWord,$dbTable)
$C =& get_instance();
$response = $C->db->get($dbTable)->row_array();
return $response['config_value'];
Function will be use for single field value.
Input ->
@params-> $field : Name of field you want to fetch.
$table : Name of table
$wh : Where condition field name
$cond : condition operator value.
function getField($field,$table,$wh ='',$cond='')
$CI = & get_instance();
if($wh && $cond)
$res = $CI->db->get($table);
//if we want some aggreagration then we pass field name in $wh
$result =$res->row_array();
//echo $result['new_order'];die;
return $result[$field];
Function will be use for listing all value.
@params-> $table : Name of table
function getDbTableData($table)
$CI =& get_instance();
return $CI->db->get($table)->result_array();
Function will be use for generate random string.
@params-> $table : Name of table
function get_random_string($table,$field_code)
// Create a random user id
$random_unique = random_string('alnum', 6);
// Make sure the random user_id isn't already in use
$CI = get_instance();
$CI->db->where($field_code, $random_unique);
$query = $CI->db->get_where($table);
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
// If the random user_id is already in use, get a new number
return $random_unique;
Function will return array which is usable for codeigniter
Form_dropdown function
@params-> $sql : Query to database
$keyField : Key field you want to get as value
$valueField : Option you want to make appear at dropdown
function getDropDownAry($sql,$keyField,$valueField,$dropDown = array())
$CI =& get_instance();
$result = $CI->db->query($sql);
foreach($result->result_array() as $res)
$key = $res[$keyField];
$dropDown[$key] = $res[$valueField];
return $dropDown;
Function will be use for student score wise grade.
@params-> $score : number of score
function getGradeName($score)
$CI =& get_instance();
$CI->db->where("grade_from <= ".$score." and grade_to >= ".$score);
$response = $CI->db->get('grade')->row_array();
return $response['grade_name'];
Function will be use for taluko name.
@params-> $Id : taluko id
function gTaluko($Id='')
return getField('taluko_name', 'taluko', 'taluko_id', $Id);
Function will be use for district name.
@params-> $Id : district id
function gDistrict($Id='')
return getField('district_name', 'district', 'district_id', $Id);
Function will be use for state name.
@params-> $Id : state id
function gState($Id='')
return getField('state_name', 'state', 'state_id', $Id);